My journey on the #30daycacaochallenge has been amazing. This beautiful plant medicine has opened my heart to healing during a time when I really needed it. I’ve been able to deal with life’s worries and stresses a lot easier everyday with more love, compassion and patience, and less anxiety and reactiveness. My early morning rituals of brewing, drinking my cacao, and calling on the cacao spirit for guidance have been the most blissful moments, as well as the wisdom she provides for me throughout the day. Other than all the lovely magic, my energy levels are higher and more consistent throughout the day, no highs and lows that you get with caffeine (don’t miss caffeine at all, my body never has been a fan!), I’m sleeping earlier and going to bed earlier, I’m more in sync with the natural rhythm of my body than ever, and my skin is clearer too. I’m also not craving naughty foods or alcohol as much. Cacao came to me at a time when my heart really needed it. My mental health didn’t feel so great. I’m now discovering and walking down new paths towards healing with cacao guiding my though the tough times Thank you Lucia x
