Firstly, thank you so much to you and Sabine for such a beautiful & magical ceremony. A tranquil Summer Solstice celebration with like minded souls was pure magic.
The highly vibrational plant medicine in a sacred ceremony and as an accompaniment to sound healings, cacao facilitates deep meditation and shamanic journeying to aid in the release of negative energy and blocks in the heart space.
The nurturing medicine of cacao together with the therapeutic, meditative gong sound waves, which resonated and vibrated every cell in my body was profound.
The best way to work with cacao is to have no expectations. She may show you something tonight, in your dreams. She may show you something in three days.
We passed around a healing stick and announced our intentions for the ceremony. Inviting the spirit of happiness, spirit of collaboration and the spirit of love.
Cacao is a natural, loving, soothing medicine. After drinking our cacao we laid down on our yoga mats. It was time to embark on our journey into the spirit world, a journey inwards: time to imagine walking through a door, to commune with love and understanding and maternal energy.
A safe space to release and surrender. I reconnected with Mother Earth and allowed my self to be open to receive.
The experience was immensely powerful as I journeyed into a deep meditative state and awakened in a beautiful conscious community.
I am so grateful to have shared and held space with you all during the ceremony.
An enchanted space, collectively held together through one another. Living from our heart space, our true selves exposed to each other as we guided each other inwards, with love, strength and integrity.
Incorporating the Spirit of Cacao into your daily practice with intention can be deeply impactful allowing us to step deeper into our truth and heart-centered living.
And thank you Nathan and James for the most delicious and grounding vegan supper.
Truly Grateful 🏽